Pastoral Sensitivity in the Liturgy

Towards a Liturgy with a Pastoral Face


  • Besly Yermy Tungaoly Messakh (†) Jakarta Theological Seminary



pastoral, liturgical, transformation, liturgical praxis, Liturgy with a Pastoral Face


Through this paper, I elaborate the liturgical conversation from the perspective of pastoral theology. I argued that the whole liturgical practice was pastoral practice. Referring to the events of Christ, liturgical practice as pastoral practice is able to reform and transform the people in worship. I also argued that the planning and organizing of the liturgy should deliberately and take into account the pastoral dimension.


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How to Cite

Messakh (†), B. Y. T. (2020). Pastoral Sensitivity in the Liturgy: Towards a Liturgy with a Pastoral Face. Theologia in Loco, 2(2), 178–197.